Healthy turf is loved by all….

As every greenkeeper knows, healthy turf is one of the most important factors in not only having a great looking golf course, backyard or sports field but is a key factor in reducing the time and money that you spend on your turf maintenance.
Healthy turf looks fantastic, requires less labour and always attracts great feedback!
One of the keyways to ensure that your turf remains healthy is to keep your mower blades sharp. This not only makes the cutting job quicker and easier, it gives a clean cut to your turf…. keeping it healthy!
Clean cut turf has less chance of attracting disease and fungus as it has been quickly trimmed with minimal damage to the leaf… and best of all, clean cut turf looks great! Nobody’s eye is drawn to turf that is finished with a rough edge!
How often should my blades be sharpened?
Many factors come in to answering this question including:
How many working hours has the mower cut since it was last sharpened? Although this is an important question and should be taken into consideration, there is no set formular for this and you should also consider;
Regular light topdressing programs reduces blade sharpness that backlapping can’t repair and grinding is needed
It’s a whole different world at a facility with a small budget and a single equipment technician. There, it’s not unusual to hear reels spinning for hours on the backlap machine or witness mowing operations come to a grinding halt while a reel gets serviced because there was no backup equipment. That’s never a good scenario for operations
A dull cutting unit (bedknife and reel) will tear at grass, leaving it uneven. These ripped and ragged blades bleed and lose plant moisture and nutrients. The open tips also leave them more vulnerable to disease from spores such as Fusarium and other leaf-spot afflictions. Repairing and regenerating the plants then requires a greater demand for food and fertilizer, driving up costs and impacting budgets.
Agronomically speaking, a reduction in the use of water, fertilizer, fungicide and topdressing is a benefit. Not only is use of these expensive consumables decreased, but also costs associated with handling of the materials, generating electricity to pump water, etc.
Mechanically, trials at several training colleges have demonstrated fuel consumption reductions.
Going a step further, one can translate fuel reduction into increased mower life, reduced engine wear, fewer replacement parts—and it soon becomes clear that the benefits are very attractive to your facility’s bottom line. Another added bonus? Less fuel use means a smaller carbon footprint
Budget is time and at Optimum Solutions we not only offer great prices for grinding, all our grinding can be done on site, at your shed at your shed which reduces your down time significantly.
Although there are no fixed rules regarding how often mower blade grinding should be done, all greenkeepers know that sharp mower blades produce a better result.
Regularly grinding your mower blades it a item on your to-list that does not need to be a punish. At Optimum Grinding Solutions we come to you in our mobile van to do all grinding on site at a time that works for you. This will save you time and money. Our skilled staff will work with in with your cutting schedule and in most cases, all your blade grinding can be completed in one working day.
put simply, we offer simple solutions at reasonable rates
Contact us today to speak with one of our team members to discuss how we can help with simple solutions for your home or business.